Environmental Policy

In Bloom Garden Apartments we deeply care about the people and the environment in which we live. That’s why we have adopted energy saving practices to achieve perfect operating regimes that work in perfect harmony with the environment. We are committed for the continuous improvement of the Environmental Management System, following the principles and requirements of the ISO 14001:2015 standards.

Through our Environmental policy, we are committed to:
  • comply with all the applicable Environmental laws and Regulations
  • apply the principle of “prevention” as it concerns the creation of waste and wastewater
  • systematic monitoring and observance of the environmental compliance obligations related to the environmental aspects
  • minimise and rational manage of the waste and the increase of the materials to be recycled compared to those available for disposal
  • constantly train and educate our staff in Environmental issues and encourage them for their active participation, on an individual and team level
  • rational use and management of natural resources
  • protection from pollution
  • use of Renewable Energy Sources.
To achieve and implement our goals, we must ensure that the following actions are being implemented:
  • use of solar energy for water heating purposes
  • use of energy-saving bulbs throughout the apartments
  • installation of photovoltaic self-consumption net metering 4.5 kW as it will significantly reduce the company’s environmental footprint.
  • ensuring that all rooms are equipped with motion detectors and breakers on balcony doors that shut off the power of Eco Design A/Cs in the rooms in order to save energy.
  • seeking and constant updating about alternative energy sources
  • use of regular energy efficiency improvements in the building
  • changing the linen and towels every third day in order to reduce our water consumption
  • recycling of paper, cans, glass, batteries and plastic
  • staff training on environmental management awareness
  • using biodegradable and friendly environmentally cleaning materials, whenever is possible.
Environmental Policy is available for information to staff, customers, suppliers, and to any other interested party.

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